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SAS Global Forum.  SASGF. SASGlobal. Global Forum. SUGI. Or, my personal favorite, GloFo.

Whatever you want to call it, the fact of the matter is that we all love this conference.

I have never had a bad time at one of these conferences.  Statistically speaking, this is an improbable statement.  According to the law of averages, I should have a terrible time at one of these conferences.  But each year continues to be better than the last.  (Maybe I should quit coming to these now, before the averages come back to haunt me).

Now why is that, I asked myself.  And then the answer became obvious.

“Why Molly,” I told myself, “You love SAS Global Forum because you love these people.” (yes, I talk to myself in 3rd person, is that a problem?)

I love seeing the man dressed up in the Green Suit as I walk through the doors to the demo room.  I love getting my SAS t-shirt, engraved wine glass, the useless ball with a string hanging out of it, and the bobble-headed pens.

But what I really love is seeing the familiar faces of the people that I have grown to know and love over the past 14 years. These are my people. You are my tribe.

So, here’s to you, people.  Thanks for being such a great group of smiling faces.

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